Port Royal UMC
Has Two Significant Ministries
Each Tuesday and Friday we provide food to individuals and/or families in the community who are struggling. Food is provided from local grocery stores through the auspices of Second Helpings. Each week over 150 boxes of food are distributed. The number of people who benefit from the food is between 500 and 600 each week, many of whom are children. When the food provided through Second Helpings is insufficient, additional food is purchased through funds provided through generous donations to the Food Ministry.
If you would like to donate to support the Food Ministry, checks can be mailed or dropped off at the Church Office made payable to PRUMC and noted “Food Ministry.”
A supply of clothing and shoes is maintained to provide for those in need of such items. If you would like to support the Shepherd’s Storehouse Ministry, checks can be mailed or dropped off at the Church Office made payable to PRUMC and noted “Shepherd’s Storehouse.”